FEMA Critical Needs Assistance Already Hitting Louisiana Bank Accounts
At Breazeale, Sachse, & Wilson, L.L.P., we know that people are at the heart of our clients’ businesses. After Hurricane Ida damaged much of Southeast Louisiana and beyond, we want to help employers get back on their feet and get their employees back to work.
As part of FEMA’s recovery efforts for Southeast Louisiana residents impacted by Hurricane Ida, FEMA is offering $500 per household in Critical Needs Assistance to cover the costs of life-sustaining items such as food, water, first aid, prescriptions, necessary baby products, and fuel. To be eligible for Critical Needs Assistance, applicants must complete a FEMA registration, have a primary residence located in an area designated for Critical Needs Assistance, which would include Southeast Louisiana, and assert that they have critical needs and request financial assistance for those needs. If the Applicant includes a bank account for direct deposit of the Critical Needs Assistance, the transfer of the funds is typically very quick, with many Louisianians who registered for FEMA last week already receiving funds. To apply for FEMA’s Critical Needs Assistance, an individual should go to https://www.disasterassistance.gov/.
The attorneys and staff at Breazeale, Sachse, & Wilson, L.L.P. stand ready to assist with recovery efforts and any legal needs as communities and businesses open back up and return to normal.