The courtroom puts an attorney's entire skill set to the test. And avoiding litigation is an equally demanding challenge. BSW's litigation teams are highly skilled, no matter where the action takes place.
Our commercial litigation group focuses on swift, thorough resolution of business disputes through litigation, litigation prevention, mediation and arbitration. Our attorneys also counsel clients on legal, governance and operational matters, and assist in contract negotiations and regulatory compliance. From simple contract disputes to complex federal multi-party, multi-issue litigation, our range of experience and proven results are indisputable.
The Firm is listed in Chambers USA America’s Leading Lawyers For Business as a leading firm in the area of Litigation.
- Thomas M. Benjamin
- Danielle L. Borel
- Jude C. Bursavich
- Peter J. Butler, Jr.
- V. Thomas Clark, Jr.
- Jeanne C. Comeaux
- Carroll Devillier, Jr.
- Alan H. Goodman
- Leo C. Hamilton
- Michael R. Hubbell
- Kayla M. Jacob
- Rachael Jeanfreau
- Mary Katherine Loos
- Eve B. Masinter
- Richard G. Passler
- Wesley M. Plaisance
- Claude F. Reynaud, Jr.
- Thomas R. Temple, Jr.
- Jordan S. Varnado
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Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. is Pleased to Announce That it Received High Rankings in Five Practice Areas and had Thirteen Attorneys Listed in Chambers USA:America's Leading Lawyers for Business
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Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. is pleased to announce that Jim Raines is to serve as Chair of LABI's Emerging Leaders Council
BSW Ranked in 2019 "Best Law Firms"
Alan Goodman selected to City Business Leadership in Law Class of 2018
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. congratulates Baton Rouge attorney Carroll Devillier on being named one of the Baton Rouge Business Report's Forty Under 40.
Eight BSW Attorneys Named Top Lawyers by New Orleans Magazine
David R. Kelly named to Opéra Louisiane Board of Directors
Danielle Borel Named to Lighthouse Louisiana Baton Rouge Advisory Board
Sunny Mayhall named to inaugural Boys and Girls Club Great Futures Gala Honorees Class
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson Congratulates Jude Bursavich and Trenton Oubre on their recent trial victory.
The Emerge Center has announced Managing Partner Scott N. Hensgens as one of the 2016 Baton Rouge Area Volunteer Activist award winners.
Ten BSW Attorneys Named to Top Lawyers in New Orleans List
Twenty-six Attorneys named to Best Lawyers in America 2017
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson congratulates Danielle Borel on being named the American Bar Association Young Lawyer's Division, Health Law Committee Chairman. She will be traveling to ABA's headquarters
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson congratulates Jude Bursavich, Robert Atkinson and Carroll Devillier on their trial victory on March 8, 2016.
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson congratulates Claude Reynaud, Jr., Jeanne Comeaux and Danielle Borel on their trial victory on February 4. More information on the case can be found here.
Congratulations to Alan H. Goodman of BSW's New Orleans office on being named to the firm's Management Committee.
Baton Rouge attorney Carroll Devillier was featured on the front page of the Feliciana Explorer on October 27.
Twenty-three lawyers from Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2016 (Copyright 2015 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken,
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson's Baton Rouge attorney Joseph J. Cefalu was profiled in the Baton Rouge Business Report for his work with the Boys & Girls Club of Baton Rouge. The full article can be found
Danielle Borel's article "Navigating the muddy waters of spoliation of evidence" was featured in the March issue of Around the Bar.
U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers have released the 2014 Best Law Firms
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. is pleased to announce that it received high rankings for five Practice Areas and had twelve attorneys listed in Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. (BSW) congratulates Christopher D. Billings, Joseph R. Hugg and Wesley M. Plaisance for being named Partners, effective January 1, 2014. Full press release.
Thomas M. Benjamin, Peter J. Butler, Jr., Alan H. Goodman, Eve B. Masinter, and Wesley M. Plaisance were named "Top Lawyers of New Orleans" by New Orleans Magazine.
2013 Chambers
Sixteen BSW Attorneys Named to Louisiana Super Lawyers, Three Rising Stars
"Top Lawyers"New Orleans Magazine
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson Recognized by Best Lawyers
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P. Recognized by Chambers
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Jeanne Comeaux will be presenting at A Jury Trial Haunting hosted by the Louisiana State Bar Association on October 26
Jeanne C. Comeaux presented at GBRIA's Plant Managers Quarterly Meeting on Antitrust and Survey on October 28, 2014.
Jeanne C. Comeaux was on a panel entitled "What Associates Need to Know About Law Practice" at LADC's Associate Skills Set Seminar on October 16, 2014.
Jude C. Bursavich spoke on Non-Compete agreements to the Northeast Chapter of the LCPA on May 14.
Jude C. Bursavich and Nicole Gould spoke on "50/50 Stock Ownerships: Guiding Your Clients through Ownership Issues and Out of the Maze" and "Officer's Liability" for the Society of Louisiana Certified
Jude C. Bursavich spoke on "50/50 Stock Ownerships: Guiding Your Clients through Ownership Issues and Out of the Maze" for Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accounts, Shreveport Chapter.
Gregory Frost and Claude Reynaud III spoke at the E-Discovery Roundtable Discussion on "Discovery in an Electronic Health Information Environment" on June 24, 2013 at Woman's Hospital.
Jude C. Bursavich spoke on "Non-Compete Agreements" for the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accounts, Shreveport Chapter, March 18, 2013
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