What Can the BSW Environmental Group do for the Maritime Industry?
Most commercial and industrial businesses are subject to various degrees of environmental regulation and the Maritime industry is no exception.The BSW Environmental Section can provide specific assistance to:
- Determine compliance with Coast Guard regulations
- Identify the need for specific regulatory plans, such as the
- Operations Manual
- Response Plan
- Determine applicability of Vessel General Permit
- Spill response coordination and interaction with regulatory agencies
- Determine the compliance status of the company
- Identify non-compliance or the need for a permit
- Suggest corrective action for regulatory deficiencies
- Address issues, as necessary, with appropriate regulatory agency
- Defend enforcement actions issued by a regulatory agency
- Negotiate settlements of penalty actions
- Assist in the permit process
- Prepare the Environmental Assessment Statement
- Guide company efforts in the public hearing process
- Prepare comments in support of permit
- Respond to public comments
- Provide appropriate environmental consultants to handle technical issues.
For questions or more information on how the Environmental Group can assist you, please contact John B. King, a partner with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, L.L.P., in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His practice relates mainly to environmental regulatory permitting and compliance. Prior to joining the firm in 2003, he served as Chief Attorney for Enforcement for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. He may be contacted at jbk@bswllp.com.